What did you give up on today?

365 QOTD

What did you give up on today?

Today I gave up on accomplishing many tasks all at once. I am learning to take things one at a time.

Work deliverables
Final Paper
Writing Projects
Reviewing for JLPT

How do I get to juggle all of it?

I am learning to take things one at a time. I am learning not to rush from one task to another. I am learning to quickly switch focus and not get distracted.

Operative Word: LEARNING.

The change in behavior, in terms of formative assessment, is taking place, but would still need conscious reminders about accomplishing tasks, getting distracted. It will take awhile.

I am currently addicted to Ginger Lemon Tea! I have been brewing every other day since Saturday and the aroma of the ginger in boiling water is also therapeutic in itself.

I noticed that I am slowly gearing towards minimal and organic means of self-care and healthy diet options as well.

Sunflower moisturizer
Olive oil for evening face moisturizer
Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning ( I should start using it for my vinaigrette dressing as well)
Ginger Lemon Tea

But of course, I still eat rice, around 2-3 times in a week :)

I didn't get to do the 10-15 minute before-shower workout this morning because I was preoccupied aka lazy aka have a lot of excuses aka lazy again and again. But I need to keep it going.

It is flu season and I need all the health care I know of to make sure that I don't get hit by the virus just because I have weak immune system. Nobody will take care of me if I get sick here.

Conference call sessions starts again tomorrorr! Waaaa.. But one-by-one, I will get things done. Slowly and with focus and in high quality.

I will do my best.


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