What gadgets did you use today?

What gadgets did you use today?

Mobile Phone, Laptop, Google Chrome and iPad.

My house is full of screens and blue light. Hayst.

Too tired to elaborate but I wanted to take note of all the things I had done today. So, here it is.....
Breakfast with Banana in Almond Milkshake
Japanese class
Set up Collab page for the working document output for the team
Listed activities for more science activities that can be included in the modules
Resumed classes for the Intro to Python for Absolute Beginners in edx (dot) org
Replied to emails
Work end as usual.
Dinner with Tita G.
Opened slots from 10PM-12MN

I just realized how full of a day I had. What a Friday it has been.

No yoga today. Too tired.

But the highlight and I think I should put into writing is my phone call with the delivery man for my online purchase of a gadget in Amazon. I was able to re-schedule the delivery date for Sunday, very smoothly. Compared to yesterday's encounter with the people in the post office for a parcel to be sent to India. We were able to complete the process but it took almost all my Japanese words out of me. LOL.

Little by little, I am learning more and more.


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