Hashtag Semi-Murakami Feels

So, I have been doing longer walks the past few days back and forth for work on a daily basis.

This morning was extra special as I met two of my former students on my way to work. R-chan hugged me so tight the moment she saw me. Then, when I turned left, I saw Y-chan who seemed so surprised to see me as well. LOL.

Roughly a 20-30 minute walk at a rate of more or less 3000 footsteps, it is just so boring, slow and just really boring. I am fighting the urge to feel unproductive and disappointed about it but at the same time, I am thinking of a lot of things in my head as well. So, I am not really calm inside.

I try to observe more of the outside and people around me. I am thinking of getting a handheld voice recorder to document my day or maybe do a walkthrough of my daily path as well.

I have been wanting to try out doing vlogs but I am just really lazy to do it.

I can't even commit to writing on my journal on a regular basis and now I am thinking of starting a vlog. LOL.

Just realized that I am having some Murakami vibe as I start talking long walks recently. But as for him, it was when he was running. Maybe someday, I will be able to write a book about the thoughts that ran into my head just like Murakami was able to have written books about the thoughts in his head while he was running.

So far, the walkathon continues while the paper remains blank. Except for my daily dramas in life.


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