What rule had an impact on you today?

365 QOTD

What rule had an impact on you today?

Humility can go a long way.-- that's not really a rule but more of a virtue. Let me think of something else.

But I guess that's it.

Today was quite a heavy day for me. For all of us in my grad school subject group. Today, we are supposed to submit our collaboration output of a web-based learning plan. As always, I have high regard to my teammates and hold their words for their commitments but there will still be those who would really try to pull the thread to its limits and there those who are very much willing to go beyond expectations and you also don't want to let them down.

I started browsing on the other group's pages which were all colorful and all, yet I am still proud of the simplicity and the easy-navigation that we had developed for our team. I believe that we were all able to incorporate the things that were required and were able to deliver meeting expectations.

I am so grateful for my groupmates. One of our lesson plans had been an outlier. I really had no plans of touching it but the other three of them really did an overhaul into and it really ended, I think, very well. The other two, I would still like to think that they tried their best...

It was quite a challenging past few days as I have my period, the deadline, and challenging people to deal with as well. There was a point that I had been to straightforward and had been too demanding but what can I do, sometimes, hubris can be the way to get things done. In the end, I asked for apologies about my attitude and hopefully they would understand that it has to be done for things to move forward. But still, I would always want kindness in words and in deeds.

It is not yet over, or maybe it is over. Who knows. I really would still want to proceed to research but I am not sure if I am capable enough to handle it.
A ghost came back to life today, too. Back in the days, I would always feel giddy giddy and excited when I receive even just a plain, "Hi." from him but today, it was just different when I read his message. Must have been the hormones talking but I didn't think of stopping it, "Hi! How are you?  I thought you died after your birthday." because our last conversation was me greeting him on his birthday and I was on the seenzone after that until last night's message.

I would would get a German pen or a very good leverage of bribery, which I don't think will happen anyway, I might still reconsider meeting him when he comes to town for holidays. LOL.
I miss home. So bad. I haven't had the chance to talk to my parents nor my sisters recently but hopefully, I will be able to do so in the coming days onwards.

My back still hurts so bad.

I hope to wake up early tomorrow for a good morning run.


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