Monday To Do List

It's another Monday and since I really didn't do much yesterday aside from the regular house chores, I need to slow down and do a quick review of how I would like my Monday, my week and my life to turn out this week. 

As I intend to accomplish multiple projects for the next few weeks, there is a need for me to make sure I have my s**t together, my frustrations turned to goals and my resources allocated wisely. 

Right now, I am at the train station, waiting for the school bus to pick me up to kickstart my day. 

So for today, I intend to: 

Write specific goals for the Math curriculum that we have. 

Prepare lessons for the weekend classes. 

Write a QOTD entry. 

Start my own Learning Plan for the upcoming October 2019 Comprehensive Exam

Do an-hour workout for arms and abs

Begin intermittent fasting

Finish reading Cosmos

Keep calm and focus. 

So, how's your Monday going? 

My school bus should be here any minute from now. 


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