A Manifest- Draft version

 They said that for your desires to come true, you manifest it to the universe and it shall be given. 

This is a rush manifestation as I am so sleepy right now and need to take that afternoon nap after a 2-hour drive from Miyazaki to Kagoshima.


My wish is simple: For that romantic love to find me. 

We probably are friends or maybe friends that had fallen apart for awhile and then reconnected. 

He must be taller than me, with a face that is pleasing to look at, cute smile, hugs warmly, broad chest for comfort. 

He is someone who dearly loves his mother or any women in his family. Respects his father and the old men. Playful with the youth and brave like an innocent child. 

I may have come across you already, or maybe not yet, my only prayer is that you show yourself.....

be that brave soul to let me know that there is such thing as love that had grown over friendship, 

and trust that blooms over a space and time woven in friendship. 

Kisses and hugs and intimacy found in trust and vulnerability. 

5, 4, 3, 2 , 1. In this lifetime, we will find each other and grow together, in faith, love and hope. 


I dont know why, but I jsut really feel like typing this before I do anything else. 


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