_____________ make me happy.

 365 QOTD 

___________ makes me happy. 

Easy! LOVE makes me happy. 

The love for life, for people, for dreams and just for everything this life has to offer-- the pain, the learnings and the warm embrace. 

I have been thinking about the word MANIFEST. I think I should write about my love and my manifestations for a partner. I cannot deny the power of writing in manifesting. For every dream and goal and where I am at right now, I have written about it. I have manifested it in words and eventually, they came true. 

There is power in praying, writing and reflecting. 


Let's see how's Friday going. 

I woke up before the alarm but bad habit of scrolling on the phone while in bed occurred and I almost had gone to another sleep cycle if I only had not gotten up as soon as the alarm rang! A bit of scrolling and I was able to let go of my phone and then made a pot of coffee and quick breakfast. Played the piano for a bit, I am amazed how I am slowly getting the hang of it. I am just happy to be able to play and sing at the same time. I am actually neglecting my guitar for awhile now. 

I had finalized my orders for my upcoming archery hobby :D I am just so excited to pick it up and aim for the target. 

Surfing would have to come next! 

Of course, good job self for adding a paragraph on your thesis proposal! :D 

Just gotta munch on this banana and then I am off to go to the gym for some leg and glute workout. 

Four classes in place today and I hope to survive in one piece. While tomorrow it's 5 classes. So help me God.

I hope your weekend is starting well, too. 


  1. Already tired just reading what you will be doing. You have such an active persona, And you do so many things at a time. At my age, yes I am old, all I want to do is crawl on the floor or the bed to sleep.

    Sleeping makes me happy.


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