2.5 Glasses of Red Wine 7.22

Two glasses of red wine, Love, Simon on the background, freshly bandaged wrists with salonpas patches, I am wrapping up the night with this random thoughts of a full on day. 

Just a few thoughts on dating and pursuing. A lot is being said about defining and being straight forward about intentions on dating. I'm not really sure if I can be on that side of dating again. I've been thinking about it, I don't really wanna know new people, but it's more I want to date people that I already know. That process of introductions just seem so petty, knowing that those people that I already know by name, I am not really sure if I really know them by truth or if I even had a glimpse of their truth. It is already overwhelming to retrieve names from memory, what more to add some more on the database, only to be either archived or put on favorite for wrong expectations then later on heartbreak. LOL. 

My wrists are aching as I proceed with my thoughts. 

What I am trying to say is...

I need to rescue me from this dark thoughts of growing old alone just because I am on Day1 of my period. 

To my future husband, 

Periods are hard. But for sure, you yourself are having your own inner battles. I am not sure I can help you with it, nor be able to say the right words, but if you could only tell me what exactly that is that you need, probably, I could pull things off to make you feel better. 

I've binged-watch on Madam Secretary series. I am now confidently caught up with the show after its final series aired in 2018. LOL. That series aside from what I learned from my own version of 500DS in 366 days of summer, that power couple Elizabeth and Henry.. No, I don't wanna me in that messy life of politics, but it made me see a couple and a family who all have their own identities and living their advocacies. Capping the days with regular nights of bedtime cuddles, readings and more cuddles. 

Let's be that couple in real life. 

Adding another half glass of wine before I sleep. 



  1. so much love for this post, kat and hang in there—hormones can be such a rollercoaster. also, if it's any consolation, you are not alone, sis.



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