Whats thd biggest thing you have going on so far?

That's a very good question. But the biggest thing I have so far right now is not really for me or it could also be for me in such a way that it could be a bragging rights for me?

It's all about the completion of the school operations manual that the school directors and I are working together for and it is almost complete. But of course it's not perfect given that I don't really have any background in policymaking but I've just been looking into different models and structures online.

So I'm just so excited and so looking forward to to have that project closed and be declared as operational for the school for the community it is going to serve for the years to come it would be the seminal policy that the future policies for the school and the community will be built upon.

What can I say today has been somewhat productive but I'm not really sure if I am being productive. One thing to think about is well I spent for coffee today but that's for my friends business so I guess that is good.

Other than that I was able to stop myself from buying a necessary items from the convenient store or at the grocery shop.

One big thing that I need to work on really personally right now is how to stop holding onto my phone as if my life depends on it. When all I actually do is just keep scrolling and reading the news the news!

Also just put this one into writing so since yesterday it has been raining so hard and thunderstorm and lightning has been what do you call that greasing the skies oh it is so scary.

There was a time last night that I chose to sit under the Table because it has just been lightning and thundering as if like my apartment was shaking and it was really really really freaking scary! But I survive and I think for the entire week this is the kind of life and weather that we will be enduring. 

So help me God. 


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