Do you owe anyone money?

365 QOTD

Do you owe anyone money?

I have to ask my father about that. Haha.

Every month, I send a remittance breakdown and my other financial debts from my siblings as an email blast to my family, so they would know how much goes to which and to who. It will be like that until maybe my youngest sister gets to graduate and gets a job. For now, I try to save a very meager amount, started planning thrift trips, send money back home and try to stay grounded as much as I can.

Birthday week it is!

I spent the weekend formulating and drafting my proposal for a breakout session for the conference I will attend next month. Not even noticing until this morning that I sent the file past midnight of Monday. Then, before lunch time, the director sent me an email that really pumped up my day and I just keep coming back to reading it as if its meaning will change and I just cant stop smiling and feeling excited about it coming into reality. One more step, much as I am excited, I am preparing my heart for the rejection. If it can’t make it this time, that means I have more time to reflect on it and make it better.

I am not even excited about my birthday. I just really am praying that my proposal gets selected and that I get to do something, I think, meaningful and impactful. It is still a long way to go, a lot of angles to look into, more data to crunch, more thought-provoking discussions and books to read, before I can even say I am an expert of this. I am so much of an amateur that I don’t know where to start with everything. It is overwhelming. I just have to believe its possible.

After so many years, I think, this is how I want to leave my mark--- making other non Native English Speakers believe in themselves that they can teach a second language garnering strength, content and purpose from their own knowledge of the learner, culture sensitivity and utmost intent of making lives better and meaningful to others.

Then, that sad feeling creeps again.


It would have been great to talk about this with you. I just cant stop feeling excited about it. And you wont be able to stop me from blabbering about it. You will just fall asleep listening.

Take care of yourself.
I hope you will be proud of me.



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