What made you compromise?

365 QOTD

What made you compromise?

Hmmm.. With the last compromise I did, it was for my own good and peace at work and for my boss to feel like she is still in control of things.

I choose my battles and I think, I got this one right.


It will be my birthday next week.

Compared to last year, when I received gifts from all over—books, a wristwatch, sneakers, bookmarks and a surprise birthday party, this year will seem to be a little subtle.

I decided not to get that Bulova watch from Amazon US just because, I think, for now, 3 watches are fine- one for work, another one for casual and the other one for sporty feels kind of days.

The last addition to the book collection was the Batman Philosophy which I still haven’t finished.

I don’t think my bestfriend had sent me the book I wished for as well. He is just too busy with the girlfriend and other stuff back home.

This year, I have two big wishes. One is for my proposal to be selected for presentation in an Asia Pacific conference I will attend next month in Thailand, the other is that, I pass the JLPT. Just that two additional for now, then the rest remains the same—good health, faith, love, wisdom, eternal hope and more opportunities to share.  

Much as I wanted to coerce my brothers or my bestfriend to buy me flowers this year, it is just not gonna happen. It had seem impossible since the day I moved here alone :( 

As I get older, birthday wishes get lesser materialistic, it becomes more goal-oriented, purposeful and I hope, meaningful.

Nothing has changed with this birthday wish: to finish MA with flying colors and for the DFB to find me soon. LOL


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