Self Talk.

He is just really that nice to everybody. Maybe.

Meeting halfway was just an act of curiosity and coincidence. He doesn't like you  that much. It probably got even worse when he saw you in person. 

His cyber presence during your distressed days were mere signs of empathy. He knew how it all felt and he is just trying to help by listening to your stories.

His Good mornings and Good nights and random messages are just acts of kindness to that lonely soul of yours. It doesn't mean he remembered you when he woke up and thought of you before he went to bed. Nothing like that. 

Notice that sometimes he is there, sometimes he isn't. When you tried to ask him about some personal questions you have openly shared about yours, he seem to haven't notice and wouldn't bother to answer. 

He forgot your birthday. And he won't even tell his birthday to you. 

That dream of travelling together is nothing but a dream. 

For now, let him be. Most likely, he is having his own inner battles. Much as you wanted to know more about it, respect his choice. His space. That's the least you can do to thank him for his presence when you were having your own emotional issues.

You know nothing about him except the general things. You don't know if he is married, with kids or in a relationship with someone and the time he spent with you was probably just because he was bored with the chosen one. 

You think you are ready, but you aren't. You think you can do long distance relationship, maybe you can't. So, forget it for now. You think you love him? Oh come on. Maybe, you are just enjoying the attention.

Let the idea go. He is just not that into you.

You are just two human beings exchanging pleasantries in the same time zone, but not the same intent.

If a guy likes you that much, so much, he will always find a way. Just like when you find ways to make things happen for yourself. 


  1. I've been doing some reading about how the perpetually nice boys are the new fuccbois. I've had my fair share of guys like that and it's just really challenging.

    It's not like you can just shake them and ask MAHAL MO BA AKO O MABAIT KA LANG?!

  2. Im doing a lot of this right now. Minsan para marelease ang stress ko pero nasa sanity pa din naman ako lol


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