What can you learn from today?

365 QOTD

What can you learn from today?

Life is good, no matter what. (This is my daily mantra.)
But today, maybe…. I could learn that there is a time for almost everything that you prioritize.

I was able to attend a yoga class and gyrokinesis class.
Join friends for an event.
Write the summary of drafts for the visual aids for the conference
Pack my stuff for Tokyo business trip.
Write this journal entry.


I know that I haven’t written in almost a week. Though I knew that there are many stories to tell about.

I haven’t been sleeping well lately. There was this PH belief that if you can’t sleep, someone is thinking about you or talking about you. I wonder if that is true. LOL. And I hope, it is not some kind of unpaid debt or hate speech about me. I can only hope.

Many things going on in life.

My coach for the event in Thailand is just so amazing and she is Filipino by blood, born in the US, and I just can’t wait to meet her in person.

I haven’t really planned anything fix about the September trip. But the Tokyo trip next week, seems to be very much organized already. Knowing me, I know that I would need to have things at least figured out but still, knowing life, there are things that wont turn out as expected. Still, staying optimistic is better for my heart.

I decided to stop my surf club membership until the next summer again.

Things that will keep me occupied until December 2018:

Graduate School
Sidejobs (books and editing)
Reviewing for JLPT (Dec 2018)
Save up for Korea and Taiwan trips!

Hayst. I feel tired. Happily tired.

DFB, I wish you were here. You would be the one I would hug instead of Blue. But I’ll stick with Blue for now J


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