Stress Thoughts 8.20

 Stress is hitting me so bad at the moment that I could just break down and cry. But I have far more important things to do than just do that, but I would like to write this down here so when I read back on a better day, I could tell myself that I had made the right decision to keep moving. But I hope also by that time, I have made a better demeanor with my mobile phone habits as well. 

I feel that I am having flu-like symptoms and there is there inner turmoil that I might have the virus in me coz I had travelled last week and passed through a high-risk area of Tokyo for transit. I swear, the inner struggle to calm down is real. I am here, scaring myself. LOL

But I know that the past few weeks had been very stressful and I sleep had been a bit of unstable as well. Workout routine has also been crazy. Slowly getting that rest and the routine back as well. For the meantime, I am gonna start working. 


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