What did you have for lunch?

 365 QOTD 

What did you have for lunch? 

Coke zero and the crispiest chicken that I have found in Nichinan City! After a few hours, I had to vomit it all out coz I got dizzy and uncomfortable. 

My meals had been erratic since last week. I tried to cook rice and viand, which I was able to get into last Tuesday but I ate it all off last Thursday, when I resumed my HustleHardSeries daily stories. 

I keep reminding myself not to complain about this uncomfortable state that I am having right now because it is a once a year thingy and compared to all the good things that I have been able to experience with this job, I am so grateful. 

I really just need to get through this in a grateful and professional state. After all, this is part of all what I signed up for when I said yes to this job. 

Also, learned something new today. For the first time, I had to open the hood of my car to check on the engine oil.  I had ran my first 5000kms after my first engine check as Blue's owner last May 2021. Now, I am to figure out the process of how to find the best and most affordable car change oil autoshop in town. 

I will be travelling another more or less 500kms within the week and I hope I get to do the change oil before 8th of August when we go for paragliding. I hope. If not, I have to do it before that day. 

I was able to be on call with family and of course, I got to virtually snuggle on Ambeng. I really am excited and scared for the day that I get a dog. I hope that when that time happens, I already have a significant other to help me take care of a pet. But if not, for sure, me and my dog will always definitely have the best times of our lives together! 

My birthday month is on! On to the third quarter of the year and it feels like nothing is moving forward. But for sure, we are moving forward. I am progressing. I am growing.


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