Best, Yourself

 Hello Self, 

Good morning. You have deactivated your IG and I know that you miss it so bad. So bad that you would want to go back and start sharing your life stories again. 

But know that you have made the right decision to step and away from that platform for your own good. Well, you still have slips of thought every now and then, you are doing well on your second day of not being there. Our first goal before was 60 days. You didn't get to do it coz on the end of the 6th week you logged back in with the excuse of helping out your NGO baby school which we both know you still have fallen short but know that every time you share a thought for that school had been very significant. 

For now, as you take baby steps to write your thesis proposal, you are doing the right thing of getting up in the morning and reading and reading. Still unorganized, but over time, you are going to find your direction. For now, it may look like a lost cause that you may just want to decide to quit and hide from the world, but that is not how it should be. You have made a decision to take this path, you are brave and strong to do so. 

You made notes today on how to find research gaps, and you have made the table you are having this laptop on  as your table of bravery and hardwork. 

You have the time, you have the space, you are in the right place as you pursue this task. Now, all you need is the willingness to be crushed, squeezed out, then re-shaped by many that had come before you, to be a better you of service to others. That's all that matters. 

For today's agenda: 



Animal Flow video

SUP <3 

Go back home. 

Clean up and Laundry

Deskwork (NHS, Espoir, Private Lessons, Podcast, etc) 

Rope Flow 

Happy Reading


Kat, you are good. 




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