Today that had been.

I was already awake when family called me this morning. I was on that bad habit of reading early in the morning but of course, I had to answer the family. That was around quarter to 7am. Come 9AM, I was still in bed... Reading. Then come this chat message from Kuya. He said he is feeling better and getting ready for chemo. It made my heart jump and utter as many thanks to the Lord. Then more talk with my cousin from OZ and I decided to get up and go on with life. 

I took a shower. Cleaned up a bit. Logged in for the Sunday Service. 

Well, I actually left the house a total mess as I decided to do the Zoom call in a Starbucks for more stable internet connection. It was nice. I saw a few people I know by face but I wasnt able to have chitchat with coz I was busy and I was happy to be busy and no need to talk to these people at all. LOL. 

Forever grateful to that forum group that had been able to take time to talk to them. 

Then another Google Meet sesh which I am still contemplating to talk about but I have been complaining about. May the Lord grant me the courage to speak up for the good of that person. I pray. 

I was thinking of going to the grocery, but I bailed off, instead I went to Handsman and bought a stand for my TV and printer. So I can move my long table to the kithen for more space and storage. It looks okay. I guess. I like that I have a checklist right in front of my face as soon as I wake up too as I have made a major re-arrangements of the appliances in the dining room. Still working on a lot of minimalistic goals and it is tough, but as I throw away more stuff, it just feels better and better to let go of material things that I used to think could be sources of my happiness. Instead, I am here, finding myself more content and always grateful. Still wishful for a wonderful partner and never losing hope. For now, not losing sight of the good things and people of today that had been. 

Tomorrow is another day. Gotta update my calendar. 


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