Day 1 of 60.

Random Thoughts. 

Out of the blue last night, I just thought of abstaining from social media. I was writing a caption for the day's feel-good photo taken from Saitobaru, as my two friends and I had gone for Hanami. It wasn't part of my day's plan but it all had gone well, despite that minor accident at the parking lot of an Indian restaurant where we had dinner. 

So today, Day 1 of 60 days abstention from posting in FB and IG is almost coming to an end. I had to re-activate my Facebook because it was tied up to my Mercari account and I wanted to buy this book. I still have moments of checking my IG for likes and comments but haven't opened my inbox in there at all just yet. I guess, tiny steps, right? I have both uninstalled from my phone. It would take several steps to get logged back in. Making it a bit difficult and annoying, kinda helps to stay away from it. 

I also had been able to just start a random conversation with my siblings. I haven't told them about the accident last night. I just feel like it isn't the right time to make them worry about me at the moment. Our house is in the brink of being bulldozed soon as the demolitions are pending. The ECQ extended might have held it all off for a bit of a time but still, we are still looking for a house we can afford. I don't know where to start with everything. 

Deep sigh for now. 

If I think about all how the world has gone crazier, I am still in a good place. I wish I can just bring in my family here and just live a quiet life. Boring and quiet. But safe and sustained. Holding on to dreams and goals. Trying to make those tiny steps to progress and move forward.

I am excited to fill this space again with personal stories and realizations that I know no one would read, as if I am writing a book of my life and when I die, someone will dig into it and learn something like how the Stoics had learned from the notes of Marcus Aurelius and Seneca. 

There are still parts of my that I am not willing to openly write about and are cryptically embedded in the lines. But one day, I will be brave to speak out my pains, my thoughts, my wrong expectations and then write further on how I was able to pick up myself and become a better version of me. No other choice on that one. 


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