Happy Wednesday, self.

 I am waiting for the printing completion of my resume for a perspective client as a private student. I just realized that working on stuff like this one is something that excites me. Having a space for thinking, for curating, for designing learning plans for people is a thing I enjoy so much. As much as I love writing, helping people find their way of learning is a meaningful thing to do. 

I actually have been doing it for years. I don't know why I stopped. I lost myself in the process. Deciding to drop the social media access for awhile really helped me a lot. Getting up in the morning without pressing the snooze button did the trick. I get to have productive mornings and well-thought off tasks for the days. 

Just wanting to take note of my personal progress in here and when I read back on it, I could remind myself of the possibilities. 

Now, getting back on the game. 

Happy Wednesday, self. 


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