First-time owner pains

It is my first time to own a car and I have been making scratches here and there. It felt like I scratch also got scraped into my own skin and it pains me to realize that it is still there. 

It could be my fault or somebody else's fault. But I think I would know if its my fault, right?

Yesterday, the door mirror on the left side got broken. It got hit an pole while I am reversing for parking. I cry. I bought a replacement in amazon and hopefully that would take care of it. I am afraid to take it longer trips with higher speed at it might disintegrate and cause more damage not just to me but to others as well.

I cna only wish I get better with driving and all the matters involved with owning a car, but I know it will take time. I am totally grateful for the comforts I am experiencing right now and I hope not to be afraid to move out of this comfort zone when the time comes asking for such in order to grow. 

Learning has its price. With this experience, I am paying the price of seeing scratches as if it was inflicted on my own skin. I know it is a tangible material, but I feel like it is one major life achievement already for someone like me who grew up feeling that I have been deprived of a lot material things and opportunities in life due to circumstances out of my control. 

I am writing this while on the train on my way to work on a Sunday afternoon. Told myself I will just keep writing whenever I feel like doing. Hopefully that would also help me pick up with the academic ones. 


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