1 Apr 2022

It is 0:50 as I start this writing. On a regular evening, I would have been snoring by this time and looking forward to another ropeflow day tomorrow. 

But Friday seemed to have gone differently and the fool in me has been very busy. 

As of today, we are working on launching our very first sponsored webinar for the year at our island school. It is initially because of a parent's query about her daughter and Jhe made professional consult and boom! These professionals offered to share their expertise for free! 

I had been asking for this kind webinar exposure again and this time, the opportunity to be an organizer is on me! I am beyond thrilled and excited about how the 2-day webinar would be flowing. Still a lot of testing would need to be done before it is to be announced on Monday, but God, I am more than thrilled, I am not even speaking, I am just hosting it, and I am so excited. 

Still need to drive home tomorrow morning. Gotta sip that milk for now. 

Quick pitstop at the roadside park I pass by on my way to Kanoya and of course, we gotta make good use of that self-timer gaming. 

Had I known that they are these beautiful as they fall, I would have worn my dream bridal gown. At least, I would have a chance to be a bride, and it would have been perfect for it is April Fool's Day and yes, a fool can dream. 



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