13 Apr 2022

We made it happen! Our first online webinar for the whole island of Siargao happened today with the key school administrators and teachers in attendance. My heart is just kilig-overload about it all. 

It has been a good diversion of unhelpful thoughts about a pseudo-relationship I had built inside my head with a person who doesn't seem to give a damn about how I feel. 

I would like to break this cycle of mine, and it is hard but I know that I'll get past this. This time, I hope I get past it and not repeat it. I'll get there. 

I should just always remind myself that I live a good life. Not perfect in its moral compass but it is that kind of life that tries to be of somewhat purpose for oneself and for others. 

I'll keep praying for that romantic love and that if I don't deserve it, may the Lord teach me the ways of accepting that.

Wore this coat from the '70s I got from Ms. Lili's etsy shop and lovin' it. Sent her a pic and she mentioned being perfect for Spring and for Easter Celebration which is totally true. 

Breakfast. I don't really like black coffee but haven't been to the grocery until this evening.  These macarons are so sinful. Every bite is soooo flavorful and the tastes bursts right into your tongue as the cookie's texture melts onto it. 


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