23 Apr 2022
I don't know how I was able to get up this morning and still managed to do some rope and poi drills and 3 minute plank.
Colored clothes laundered.
Cleaned up a bit.
Floor polished.
Working building a one corner one use kinda of space to maximize habit formation and expulsion with the least effort exertion required.
What else can I say? I have been less anxious lately as I go over days of not having any conversations with somebody I thought I had a thing with.
I still haven't give up in the prayer that I would like to share the opportunity of growing old together with in life. For sure every now and then, I'm gonna have anxiety attacks but I will remember days like this one that I was able to got on with my day... happily tired and grateful.
Out of the blue, a friend of my messaged and said that I should start vlogging. Lol. I promised I'll try and post my ganaps for today but I obviously failed at it and this selfie vid was just an attempt to humor myself about the idea of being an online content creator. 😅
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