2022 Ph Presidential Election Feels

Give me time to grieve coz for the nth time, my bet for the presidential election didn't win. 

But this time, the 3rd heartbreak is just too much to handle. I have never been this hopeful and invested to my motherland. And if you don't understand that, that's okay. You don't have to, just allow me grieve for the time being. 

You will never understand how deep the heartbreak coz I can't even explain myself how much hope I have invested on this one. 

I am not asking you to understand. I am just asking you to let me be. After all, the world doesn't stop spinning with this loss. I still have a job to do, bills to pay, a family that loves me and a future to fulfill, a company to start up. 

With respect to democracy and the choice of the many, we will heal our wounded spirits and hold forth of the promise of a better and truthful future as our legacy to those who will come after us. We will continue to write a history that doesn't need revisions. 


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