23 May 2022
I still haven't written the research proposal. It is still all in my head. But wait, I would like to be proud of myself today for accomplishing a lot of things, from hobbies to relaxing to tasks and chores and making sure that things are done.
I had already sealed the care package for home.
I moved out the trash.
I did groceries and will be cooking tomorrow.
Groceries were done.
Menu for until there are still stuff on the fridge are decided, in my head. LOL.
I will slowly start working on the paper work. I need to take a break from the Ozarks for now.
Life has been calm and just going today. Aside from the car wash that didn't really happen, a lot of stuff had been done today :D
Will pick up on the Rope Flow Recital piece and have it posted on June 5th :D
Good night for now.
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