23 June 2022

 Quite a long day and tomorrow will be like that again. 

My sisters had been working on a lot of stuff back home and I wish I could join in as well. 

I just got my GCash account and it still needs verification so that means I would need to upload info and other data into it. But I'll take care of that on another day. One at a time. 

I need to get my presentation draft moved to a powerpoint draft and I'll work on that this weekend. 

So many things to accomplish. So little time. 

Over all, I am grateful. 

I am still at the phase that I am sad coz things just fell apart like that and I don't know why but it is, what it is. I still cry at the thought of it, but this is just one of the few guys I had allowed myself to be vulnerable with and it has to end. I dont think I have a choice on making sure that I am better at this dating game the next time around. 


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