26 June 2022

 And that is Sunday for you. 

I can't believe it is over now. 

Was able to go for basic skate practice in the morning. Less than an hour but it was fun. 

The usual morning zoom session went by, and glad that after 2 more sessions, we will be taking a break which means I would have some free time in Sunday mornings for more fun stuff to work on. 

Afternoon zoom session was quite heavy and we actually got extended and the next homework is a bit heavy and need to be dealt with, chunk by chunk for the entire week. 

I have a slideshow show to curate for my upcoming presentation and I am confident that I will get it done coz I have no choice on it anyway. 

Glad to meet two new amazing people today through my coworker whom I think I have spent more time with than I had spent time with N when she was still here. 

No discord sessions with sisters tonight coz I was out til late, but we will definitely catch up another Discord sessions. 

Grateful for today, that's all I wanna say. Thank You, Lord. 


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