How was your day today?

365 QOTD

How was your day today?

It was cold in the outside but totally warm in the inside.


For some reasons, I woke up way early that usual. Around 4am and I read a random message from somebody whom I had nice personal conversations quite a few times this year. It is always nice to be remembered, but the somersaults in my chest aren't good indicators of how that person had been making me feel whenever he makes his presence felt, that's not even in person, what more if I see that person on a more regular basis, I probably die sooner due to too much throbbing of my heart like that of a teenage girl who internally squeaks and screeches whenever she sees her crush. LOL.

But, the way things are, it seems that this is a far as this connection could get. I am way out his league and not his type.

I tried to go back to sleep again because I have to get up a bit early for a beginner's computer programming exam courtesy of my friend. To which I scored 3 out of 20, because it was in Japanese and time-bounded as well. Still, a good try.

I thought of going somewhere for to do the study plan and go over the past subjects in preparation for comprehensive exam next year, but I opted to go home, continue the laundry, the recording and the singing.

Went to a Recycle Shop to check out some stuff, but I didn't get to find any good red high-heeled shoes I plan to wear for my friend's wedding in January.

Went to onsen.

Had a final group conference with my classmates to wrap up the year and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Then, my sister sent me a family photo of my mom, my dad and my two younger sisters. They all look beautiful, while my dad has never good at facing the camera. Meh.

My sister conducted this year's Christmas Cantata while the youngest sister was the audio operator for the entire event. I am just so proud and blessed. I wish I was there to join the choir or at least so something to help for the event.

To cap the night, I cooked meals, that hopefully would last for the next two lunch boxes, as I go and work for the next 6 days straight.

Ten days to go and I haven't properly packed my stuff for my quick holiday vacation. I have the 23rd and the 24th for that.

Still working on my Fukuoka trip itinerary for Dec 31-Jan 3. Let's see what the year has in store for me.

Quite a good Sunday spend with wonderful people. Thank you Lord. You are amazing.


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