Today, I chose to________

365 QOTD

Today, I chose to __________.

Wake up early and have a good chat with newfound girlfriends.
I chose to reconnect with someone who would just randomly send message but did took time to make a few exchange of updates today.
I made a few more runs in Daiso and the drugstore for little additional pasalubongs for family and friends.


Quite a slow day at work today but still managed to update the cards of the kids, but I am still with a writer's block on what to write about our monthly newsletter given to the kids. It was a task done by my former Japanese colleague but now, I have to do it. Though the idea excites me honestly, it also brings me that internal chaos of which topic to prioritize and how to do so. Another is that I need to soften the radicalness of the ideas that I have in mind and just focus on the message.

One thing I need to significantly learn is the art of delayed judgment and avoidance of being easily triggered. It is hard, but I have to learn if I really want to be part of the solution in making the world a better place and my surroundings a good place to be at.

I am excited to go home but I am not excited to go back. LOL. Though I had already booked a capsule hotel in Fukuoka, I still have no itinerary. My goal of visiting shrines will most likely just go down drain if the weather gets too cold for my being. I will most likely opt to stay in bed, or make a short walk to a cafe to read, watch people or write.

A voice in my head is whispering to install and launch dating apps, but a bigger and more rational side of me is too lazy to do so. So, the chances are pretty slim. But who knows what could happen. I had made most part of 2018 dating apps-free and loving the benefit of emotional calmness I had gained from that decision.

With a 20-minute yoga stretch after this journal entry, I'm gonna curl up in bed, read pages in Bob Ong's 56 and then hopefully, I get to sleep better tonight.




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