25 Mar 2022

 It is our Lola Susa's birthday today. She would have been 92. 

It had been quite a busy day. And also, I got a warning on my car for parking at 711 for more than 3 hours. I am so ashamed. LOL. 

Even after a long day, I thought I'll do the recording to have a song posted for Lola's birthday today, and I'm happy we did. 

Anxiety had been hitting me so hard since I got back from Tokyo and I am doing the best I can to battle it out and be functional and productive and remain hopeful that things and people are meant to be at the right time and place. 

Morning meeting cancelled tomorrow so I will have time to do cleaning and throwing away stuff and making space for things that are important and hopefully aid in clarity of mind and ease of movement in the space I have. 

Thank you for Lord, for today. 

The mundane, the quiet, the routine, the hope. 


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