Breaking it down.

​My first major break down aka anxiety attack is on my mom's birthday and International Women's Day of 2022 which is today. 

I just feel so overwhelmed. 

But I was able to accomplish before noontime. 

Settle deliveries. 

Practice piano. 

Read 7 pages of a 60-page Rapid Evidende-Based Assessment Review. I am now on 29/60. 

Give out the Roller blades as promised. 

Order lunch for Mama's bday. 

Practice Cheetah's tail. 

Lunch at the park. 

Then, I wish I just wanna sleep and be just in a quiet place. 

Despite this feeling, I would like to think that I am flourishing as a person. In many aspects. I don't really empty. Just lonely at the moment. I don't even know where and why this is happening. 

That crunching feeling in the chest, that the only way to keep it calm is to cry. And cry more. 

Tonight, I'll just keep it calm, quiet and maybe with bedtime yoga and breathing exercise, I'll feel better. 


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