9 Mar 2022

The day went as usual. 

I still didnt get to do a lot of stuff though. But it still is better than yesterday. 

I had changed the bedsheets today. Did laundry. 

Gone yoga first thing in the morning. Rehearsed Speechless though I never got to render the recording. 

Went to work.

I had been leaving my phone in the car everytime I am at work so I can have my separation with the gadget and it seems to be going well. I am more in the zone teaching and more calm. 

One of my college bestfriends had been rushed to the hospital and I just got off the phone with R (the other college bestfriend) to get update about his situation. 

He is waiting for surgery schedule to remove galstones.

Then conversation went on and on and not its time for bed. I hope I can still a few good pages of the book I am currently on.

It was a good night to catch up. Lovin' Discord for that. 


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