29 Mar 2022

I started answering my Written Exam for the Rope Flow Specialization Course and on the second question, I thought I had it answered only to realize that it was a totally different kind of instructional answer for another drill. I had to erase and start all over again, LOL.

I was just happy to be able to drill today even just for an hour. As long as I keep drilling even for just short bits, I think I can learn combo moves and smoothen those basic moves that I am having a hard time with. 

I miss D, but I also don't wanna be such an annoying person to him. I don't know what's going on inside his head and since he hasn't reached out to me since Tokyo trip, I don't know if I had failed the second chance of a date with him. But looks like I did. We haven't talked much since then. 

I am thinking of sending him a birthday card, but I don't know if he would even send me his address if I asked. Maybe I should ask first, right? Then, the chain of rejection will just complete the puzzle and the answer of the truth I am looking for: It isn't there. 

I would send my sister a birthday card. I'll send one for him too, if he gives me his address. (conditional for him until I get my answer when I asked.)

Long day, I had coffee past 2pm. I hope I would be able to sleep deep tonight. 

More paperwork to work on tomorrow. 


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