11 Jan 2022

​Year 5 in Japan! Who would have thought I could stay that long in this country. It had been five years of a good life with its blend of emotional challenges, financial struggles, unrequited love, opportunities, and adventures. 

But here I am, Anxiety is hitting me just so bad that sometimes I question my own existence. 

I wish I can go home to someone. I wish I can go home to him. As if he lives close by. A plane away. I mean, I wish I can look forward to a day of having someone to talk to about sweet nothings and teasings and feel safe and vulnerable at the same time. But obviously, it has been another story of a guy I've met and had no plan of staying. I still pray it isn't. Who knows. 

Well, today, I haven't gone over my research task. Morning flew so fast with that interview and drill practice. But it was good. Work went fine. 

It's getting colder and colder. I am hoping to get up eary tomorrow but it is still a matter of vision. Lol. 

I wanna go to America. May the universe conspire to make my dreams come true. 


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