18 Jan 2022

 Back to work after a 3-day holiday! 

Ate has moved to another hotel to continue her quarantine til the 26th. I am so looking forward to meeting her and Kuya. I am more excited to have them come over here to spend time with me and see where I live. 

I wonder when will I get back on track with my thesis writing? Will I even ever have the courage to pick up on it again? I want to. I just cant seem to make my way on it. 

The Academia is my dream. Always has been. 

Days are getting better and better. 

If this guy I am interested in won't have me for his wife, I know I have a thesis to comfort me when my love life goes dark on me. HAHA. 

Day 5 on Rollerblades :D Happy and just happy to be rollin' :D 

Signed up for a complete specialization course of ropeflow and just so excited for it. See me roll those ropes in awesomeness! 


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